Is Your House On a Road-Building Route?

(photo from Chris Seward at the News & Observer)

There are quite a few road improvement and road building projects scheduled for the Triangle over the next several years. Is your home on one of the new building routes?  (For a run-down of the projects, see the article in the News & Observer:  Road Plans Mean Traffic Jams in the Triangle)

If your property will be affected by the road plans, there are two legal concepts you should know about: Land Condemnation and Inverse Condemnation.

If your property is being “taken” for a public project, the government or a company can declare “eminent domain” and buy your land…whether you want to sell or not. That process is called Land Condemnation.

On the other hand, if a public project isn’t actually on your property but nonetheless affects your property–such as if your beautiful view is ruined, or if a roadway is just off your property line–then you can sue to receive compensation for your loss. That process is called Inverse Condemnation.

Whether you have a case of Land Condemnation or Inverse Condemnation, you need a lawyer to help you get the compensation you deserve for your property. Don’t fight the government or large corporation on your own. If your property will be affected by one of the roadway projects, call HensonFuerst to learn how we can help:  1-800-4-LAWMED.


…about Land Condemnation, watch our video: Land Condemnation cases

…about Inverse Condemnation, watch our video: Inverse Condemnation cases